Cities, become less energy-consuming this winter

FRJune 7, 2022 at 12:00 pm
Cercle vert filigrane Agora Software
optimisation énergétique pour les collectivités

The cost of energy is skyrocketing.

You are probably thinking about reducing the energy consumption of your city’s buildings? 

Moreover, the BACS decree and the tertiary decree oblige local authorities to automate the heating control processes of their buildings by January 1st 2025.

It is therefore urgent to make your property more sober and less energy consuming.

We can help you reduce your energy bill this winter.

In 2 words, at AGORA SOFTWARE, we automate the control of your heating devices to optimize your energy consumption.

Connecting your buildings to our software platform, without changing anything in your organization, means 30% savings in 6 months.

Participate in our next webinar by registering via the form below. 

Duration: 15-20 min 

In this webinar you will discover:

  • How to implement a pragmatic project in less than 6 months 
  • How to achieve 30% savings by using your everyday tools 
  • How to make your structures less energy consuming