
Producers and distributors of water, gas or electricity, waste managers: players in the utilities sector have a wide variety of professions, transformed by the need for greener operations and cheaper growth.

Cas d'usage - Agriculture

Example : Water distribution

From its extraction to its distribution, including filtration, decontamination and various treatments, water is the subject of a very large number of operations.

Water distribution faces many challenges. The frequency and length of droughts are increasing, augmenting the risk of shortages in some regions. Moreover, the quality of the water resource (micro-organisms, chemical substances, etc.) must be rigorously controlled.

In Europe, the average leakage rate reaches considerable levels, ranging from 20% to 40% depending on the country. New services are needed to maximize the efficiency and quality of supply: 

  • Information and alerts on water quality, works and cuts, floods… 
  • Irrigation optimization (e.g. based on anticipated rainfall, reservoir levels, etc.); 
  • Interaction with customers, for example to modulate professional uses… 

Elements that must interact:


Connected sensors and meters

Remote reading, physico-chemical data, pressure and flow velocities, reservoir levels… 

Control systems

Pumping and water treatment stations, irrigation systems, supply to industy… 


Third party information

Weather forecasts, pollution episodes, flood warnings…

Operations and maintenance staff

Control, maintenance and repair department, customer relation agents…


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