Make users aware to eco-gestures

Better (and less) utilization of resources is everyone’s business: this is the principle of eco-gestures.

However, people need to be aware of this. Launch large-scale collective notification campaigns effortlessly to all your users on a dedicated communication channel for your community.

Allow your citizens to obtain useful information from their phones anytime, anywhere.

Cercle vert filigrane Agora Software
Diffusion des éco-gestes au niveau de la collectivité

Extend this communication device independently to various themes such as energy consumption, water usage, and air quality.

Communicating on a large scale without effort to act better.

  • From the Messenger channel set up by the city,


  • in English,


  • every citizen receives notifications of useful information,


  • at the same time on the same communication channel,


  • and can make requests in the language of their choice.

Elements that must interact:


Communicating sensors

Fill rate of the containers of the Voluntary Drop-Off Points


Door-to-door collection schedule, waste collection center schedules


Appointment scheduling system

For the collection of bulky items (Office 365 or other dedicated solution)

The CC's communication department

For the dissemination of information concerning collection (schedule changes due to vacations, climatic events, prevention and awareness messages, qualitative and quantitative information on the service, requests for suggestions, etc.)


The residents

Through their favorite messaging app

Example: Raise awareness of waste sorting among residents

To go further...

Pollution is other people’s fault? Not only, that’s why everyone must take concrete action, for significant results.

The ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) has identified 6 areas in which everyone can act on a daily basis and contribute to a better environment: at the office, consumption, at home, parents, vacations and leisure, and finances. For example, at the office (or while telecommuting):

  • Renew the air every morning: open the windows to renew the air and expel pollutants, even in winter.
  • Save water: an employee consumes up to 30 liters of water per day. Turn off the taps properly, use the flush saver.
  • Turn off lights when leaving the office or a meeting room.
  • Turn off your computer at lunch break and in the evening. Do the same for the printer every evening (computer equipment represents 21% of the electricity consumption of companies).
  • In winter, during the day, keep the heat in: close the doors to less heated spaces (storage rooms, staircases…), leave the radiators free.
    When leaving, turn down the radiators and close the shutters, blinds or curtains to reduce heat loss (up to 60%!).
  • Moderate the use of air conditioning: it consumes up to 20% of energy in large office buildings. The recommended minimum temperature is 26°C, with a maximum difference of 4°C from the outside temperature. Keep the windows closed during the day and turn off the air conditioning when you leave.
  • Stop wasting paper: 25% of documents are thrown away 5 minutes after printing and 16% of printouts are never read.

Which plan for your city?

Eco-responsible gestures, reminder of good practices and information on local structures,
Whether you want to communicate on several social networks or a single message,

Whether you are addressing the inhabitants of your city or the entire population of your department,

Our team will be able to assist you in implementing your eco-gesture scenario by configuring our offer to your needs.

Contact us for more information!