Use case


Agriculture is the result of a clever mix of traditions and innovations. Field crops, market gardening, greenhouses, soilless and even hydroponics combine many parameters (temperature, humidity, sunshine, soil type…) and are constantly adapting to changing circumstances. 

Cas d'usage - Agriculture

Example: Predictive irrigation

More than ever, water management is a critical activity.

The stakes of a controlled irrigation are not lacking:

  • The annual cost of water consumption can represent up to 500€/hectare;
  • An excess or a lack of water impacts the quantity and the quality of the crops;
  • An often scarce resource, water is a common good that requires rigorous management.




Reel, pivot-ramp, boom-reel, full coverage, drip: the watering techniques are numerous. Their effectiveness depends on the nature of the soil, the type of crop, the climatic conditions and their use.

Farmers need simple, practical solutions to implement the best watering policies. For example, automatically anticipate the next day’s weather conditions to optimize irrigation of their fields.

Elements that must interact:



(Google, Outlook…) to easily plan watering cycles;

Soil moisture sensor

for example on LPWAN network (LORA or SIGFOX);


Solenoid valve to control the watering system

for example on 3G/4G network, or control by dry contact; 

Web site

to provide local weather forecasts to adjust watering accordingly; 


Social network

for an easy communication with the farmer (Facebook Messenger, SMS, Whatsapp…). 

Example: Implementing efficient irrigation

Which subscription plan for your farm?

Our flexible subscription plans are designed for both independent farming and cooperatives. They will support your business during the different phases of your projects: pilot, deployment and generalization.  

Our experts are at your disposal to answer your questions and advise you on the best way to animate and automate your business processes. Do not hesitate to contact them!