Consulting companies & Service providers

Service providers can benefit from Agora Software technology

Use case Consulting companies & Service providers The applications of the Worktech sector concern the whole range of digital services: consulting, engineering, design, outsourcing… NSEs and service providers find in it a source of innovation that enables them to best support their customers (companies and local authorities) in the transformation of their businesses. Design of […]

Helping isolated people stay at home

Use case Helping vulnerable people stay at home Staying in the familiar surroundings of one’s home and delaying entry into an EHPAD is the wish of most elderly or dependent people and their families. This is often possible, as long as the consequences of loss of autonomy are anticipated. This is why the development of […]

Energy optimization of buildings

Use case Optimize the energy consumption of buildings Energy optimization is a priority topic with a lot at stake. Budgetary, ecological and regulatory issues make substantial savings necessary, and as quickly as possible. Dynamic energy management is an inexpensive solution that’s quick and easy to implement. On average, it can reduce consumption by 20%, while […]

Monitoring air quality of buildings

Qualité de l'air intérieur

Use case Monitoring air quality of buildings Measuring air quality and specifically the concentration of pollutants has become essential. However, to improve the situation, appropriate actions must also be taken. This requires accurate measurements, real-time availability of captured data, and effective communication with stakeholders. Ask for a demo! How to quickly measure the air quality […]

Make users aware of eco-gestures

Communicate in a simple manner about eco-gestures on your territory

Use case Make users aware to eco-gestures Better (and less) utilization of resources is everyone’s business: this is the principle of eco-gestures. However, people need to be aware of this. Launch large-scale collective notification campaigns effortlessly to all your users on a dedicated communication channel for your community. Allow your citizens to obtain useful information […]

Control the watering of green areas

Use case Control the watering of green areas Water is most needed when it is most needed. Recurrent droughts have drawn attention to the importance of rationalizing the use of water, a vital yet limited resource. Optimizing its use for watering the city’s green spaces can result in considerable savings (up to 50%) and preserve […]

Boost the city’s tourism

Use case Boost the city’s (e)tourism Tourists or simple visitors to a site, a city or a territory are no different from other people. They are looking for simplicity, time savings and the ability to quickly organize their stay. Brochures, advertisements, websites, online reservations and mobile applications play their part. But today, how can we […]

Agriculture – Predictive Irrigation

Cas d'usage - Agriculture

Use case Agriculture Agriculture is the result of a clever mix of traditions and innovations. Field crops, market gardening, greenhouses, soilless and even hydroponics combine many parameters (temperature, humidity, sunshine, soil type…) and are constantly adapting to changing circumstances.  Ask for demo Example: Predictive irrigation More than ever, water management is a critical activity. The […]

Utilities – Water Distribution

Cas d'usage - Distribution de l'eau

Use case Utilities Producers and distributors of water, gas or electricity, waste managers: players in the utilities sector have a wide variety of professions, transformed by the need for greener operations and cheaper growth. Ask for a demo! Example : Water distribution From its extraction to its distribution, including filtration, decontamination and various treatments, water […]