The data stream, fuel for your digital projects
The practical usefulness of data decreases over time. The data stream must be processed to release its true value in real time.
The curse of the last mile
IS are often fragmented for practical and economic reasons. Their components lack interconnection, such as stations…
IoT: from hieroglyph to alphabet
The alphabet has four key advantages for our current technology: simplicity, transparency, flexibility and neutrality.
Fostering Harmony Between Collaborative Apps and Digital Processes
Collaborative applications are booming. The only thing left to do is to connect them to digital processes, thanks to natural language…
The business value of IoT interoperability
The main value associated with interoperability is the business alignment and functional richness of IoT projects.
Advocacy for an interoperable IoT
The fragmentation of IoT makes projects more complicated, more expensive, and harder for end users to take ownership of.
Unify or Uniformize your I(o)T?
“To unify or to standardize” is the question that arises in many IT projects and IoT.
Across the great divide (of IoT users)
As with rivers, when IoT projects cross the great divide, they must choose a direction: technology-centric or user-centric.
Natural language: a child’s play
Children are the first to master natural language. Shouldn’t we take their example to simplify IoT projects?