AI and ethics: knock or no knock?

ethical digital: AI comes with a lot of questions

What are ethics? Before talking about Ethics and AI, let’s take a look at ethics itself. Ethics is one of those subjects that we understand intuitively, but which escape us as soon as we try to define them, like time, life or emptiness, for example. Or, for the more mathematically inclined, infinity, divergent series or […]

Difficult to predict the environmental footprint of digital technology

Prédiction de l’empreinte environnementale du numérique

The environmental impact of digital technology Articles and interviews are appearing in the press, on the radio and on networks, denouncing the growing environmental footprint of digital technology. Figures of 3 to 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions are said to be directly linked to digital technology. As players in this sector, are we actively […]

Hallucinations, LLM & conversational AI

Hallucination, LLM and conversationnal AI

What are hallucinations? Why are sophisticated AIs exposed to them? What are the consequences of these hallucinations? We tell you all about it in this article, starting with what an LLM (Large Language Model) is. A quick reminder of the nature of LLMs So let’s start by looking at what an LLM is. An LLM […]

The AI Act: dura lex, sed lex

AI act tout ce qu'un éditeur de logiciel doit savoir

What is the AI Act? The AI Act is a European Union regulation designed to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI). It classifies AI systems according to their level of risk, and imposes proportionate obligations for each category. The purpose is to guarantee security, transparency and respect for users’ fundamental rights. In addition, the […]